Discounted Speciality Coffee

Get Discounted Coffees from your Favourite Local Coffee Shops in Cape Town

If you give us your email, we'll send you a discount when we launch
Sign Up Page.PNG
Coffee Shops.PNG

How it works


Select a Coffee Shop

Choose your favourite coffee shop near you


Choose your Coffee

Select a coffee type from their menu


Scan the QR Code

Scan the QR Code on the shop counter.
No need for cash or cards


Enjoy your Froth!

Collect your coffee from the barista


Coffee drinking should be an experience at every moment


We organised discounts for you, because we asked nicely


What is the point of a wallet?

Earn Loyalty

The year 2003 called, they want their loyalty card back

Send Coffees to your Friends

You buy the coffee, they buy the beers

Profile Screen.PNG
Scan QR Code.PNG

Simple, Transparent Pricing

So transparent it's actually FREE

On Day 1

Your Discount per Coffee is

  • No subscription fees
  • Your 10th Coffee at a Shop is free
  • Send coffees to your friends
Get Started

2 Days in a Row

Your Discount per Coffee is

  • Get extra discounts for being obsessed
  • Each day you use Froth, your discount moves up by 2.5%
  • The deal: If you miss a day you go back down to a 10% discount. Deal?
  • 10th Coffee is still free
  • Send Coffees to Friends
Get Started

5 Days in a Row

Your Discount per Coffee is

  • Your discount goes all the way to 20%
  • So, like, day 6 will be 20% and on day 100 it'll be 20%
  • The deal still applies
  • Yup, 10th Coffee is still free
  • Send coffees to friends
Get Started

Got a Question?

Don't hesitate to reach out. Perhaps we can meet over a coffee?

Want Froth? We'll let you know when we Launch

Made with Landen